Georgia Compact - Regional Infrastructure Development Tbilisi Business |
Cabo Verde Compact - Private Sector Development Águido Cabral |
Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Land Registration System Cloudburst |
Mongolia Compact - Energy and Environment - Stove subsidy only Social Impact |
Lesotho Compact - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation NORC at the University of Chicago |
Morocco Compact - Functional Literacy and Vocational Education ISG |
Nicaragua Compact - Transportation Jonathan Alevy |
Mozambique Compact - Land Administration Capacity Building Social Impact |
El Salvador Compact - Northern Transnational Highway Social Impact |
Timor-Leste Threshold - Fostering Transparency Initiative Social Impact |
Cabo Verde Compact - Watershed Management and Agriculture Support A2F Consulting |
Morocco Compact - Fruit Tree Productivity - Rain-fed Trees Rehabilitation NORC at the University of Chicago |
Namibia Compact - Indigenous Natural Products NORC at the University of Chicago |
Georgia Compact II - Improving General Education Quality Mathematica |
Morocco Compact - Artisan and Fez Medina Transtec-Attitudes Conseil Consortium |
Morocco Compact - Financial Services North South |
Morocco Compact - Enterprise Support-SME Innovations Poverty Action (IPA) |
Nicaragua Compact - Rice and Banana Farmers University of California, Davis |
Burkina Faso Compact - Access to Rural Finance A2F Consulting |
Moldova Compact - Transition to High Value Agriculture Mathematica |