
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

MCC is an independent U.S. foreign assistance agency that supports the fight against global poverty through sustained economic growth. Created by the U.S. Congress in January 2004 with strong bipartisan support, MCC delivers grant-based U.S. foreign assistance to lower income countries with good policy performance. MCC investments often feature large infrastructure coupled with critical policy and institutional reform, all implemented with a focus on country ownership, transparency, and measured results.

The MCC Evidence Platform

As a data-driven agency, MCC invests in evidence-generating activities, such as due diligence surveys, willingness to pay surveys, and independent evaluations. In addition to a focus on evidence creation, MCC is also committed to evidence use, ensuring that its investments are guided by the best evidence available.

Since 2013, MCC has shared the data, documentation, and analysis underlying its independent evaluations. Recognizing that transparency is not enough to achieve accountability and learning, MCC developed the Evidence Platform to encourage the utilization of its vast library of evidence. MCC invites researchers—from students to experienced professionals—to use the data and documentation provided here to reproduce and build upon MCC's evidence base to drive development effectiveness for, and beyond, MCC.

The MCC Evidence Platform shares:

  • Studies – Users may search by studies to find all the related data and documentation associated with each study. Study Types include: Independent Evaluations, Monitoring, Constraints Analysis, Willingness to Pay, Due Diligence, Country-led Studies, and Other Studies.
  • Documentation – Users may search by specific documentation associated with MCC-funded studies. This documentation is shared as specific Knowledge Products Types, including: Design Report, Baseline Report, Interim Analysis Report, Final Analysis Report, MCC Learning Document, Evaluation-based Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Questionnaires.
  • Data Packages – Users may search by specific data packages associated with MCC-funded studies. Data Package Type includes: Round (Baseline, Interim, Final), Public, Restricted-Access.

Read the Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the MCC Evidence Platform.